Friday, July 22, 2011

Siddo to me is......

This was sent to me today by a friend (my new contributor to the blog) and it really cheered me up from the mood I was in which wasn't a promising one. I was re-evaluating life in general and she, the amazing lady that she is, came along and spoke to me in great depth and lifted my spirits up from my dark voided pit. I think she missed her calling in life of helping others. 

Love yeah, chick!

Siddo to me is......
Arbitrary, bull headed, caveman, caring,careful, dependable, delightful, diligent, easy going, efficient, eager, fierce, forgiving, fun-loving, fantastic, game, great, giving, gregarious, heartwarming, hard ass, happy, irritating, instigating, insightful, jammin, jubilant, kind, karmic, Loving, lunatic, mischievous, marvelous, naughty, nurturing, noble, obvious, omnipotent, pleasing, prude...not, providing, protective, questionable, quirky, real, relished, remembered, sexy, steadfast, stern, truthful, trustworthy, terrible, underestimated, vexing, vain, warring, wonderful, xhausting, yearnful, ying to your yang.

You're admiring, bossy, caring, dear, earnest, factual, generous, hilarious, infamous, jovial, candid, learned, manageable...I mean magnificent, noble, optimistic, pleasant, quirky, resourceful, studly, temperamental or truthful, Uranus no... unique, vibrant, willing, extraordinary, youthful *grins*,zealous...or zany.

She also made me aware of this quote:
"To the world you may just be one person but to one person you may be the world."
— Brandi Snyder