Sunday, May 27, 2012

Books by Terry Trueman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The back of the book says "An intense reading experience"

That folks is an understatement.

You anxiety will reach a crescendo, an all time high and pluck at your emotions like strumming guitar strings. Emotionally I was thoroughly drained by the end of it, but this story, so detailed about what Shawn might be thinking or feeling while locked inside a bottom he has no control over is incredibly vivid. Heart warming at times and utterly heartbreaking at others.

The author brings to light a whole new world and makes your imagination soar incredibly. The story will have you seeing differently, think differently when coming across someone with C.P. I know I will see, sit and wonder if there's perhaps truth to what Terry has written.

It's written perfection in the life of 14 year old Shawn McDaniel.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book follows 'Stuck in Neutral'

It's Paul's story. Shawn's brother.

He has anger issues, but who can really blame him. The story is told in his POV and you'll get to read how having a brother like Shawn has taken his toll on him. I can't say I understand it, but who can unless you're in that exact situation in which I am not. But what Paul has to tell you in the author's words makes you listen and want to stand up and say: I hear you. It is clear in this book that Paul really loves his brother and he admits to something really painful that he's been holding inside him that he finally lets known.

Another one I've enjoyed by Terry Trueman and I know for fact there's a third book to this set and I'm anticipating its release. To say I'm overly anxious for it is an understatement. That's because of the way the 2 books were left ending. 

Here's the third installment to the short series if you're interested in checking them out. The release date is August 21, 2012

Stuck in Neutral, a Printz Honor Book, introduced the world to Shawn McDaniel, a fourteen-year-old kid with cerebral palsy. But what happens next?

Shawn's got a new perspective on life. But no one has a clue. That's because they can see only his wheelchair, his limp body, his drool. What they don't see? His brain, with perfect auditory memory. And his heart, which is in love with a girl. And his fierce belief that someday someone will realize there's way more to him than his appearance.

How do you connect with others when you can't talk, walk, or even wave hello? In the sequel to Stuck in Neutral, which ALA Booklist called "an intense reading experience," Shawn McDaniel discovers a new definition of "normal" and finds that life happens next for everyone.

You can find these books on Goodreads at:

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