Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Halloween!

The howling
starts on your street,
after sunset,
very late in the evening.

The moon is full
and the sun is long gone,
light and good
have moved on.

The howling screams
it's loud Happy Halloween!
Bared teeth and bones
with jaws that bite.
Blood drips and creeps crawl
on Halloween night.
Slinking down
your street
are horrible things that
you do not want to meet.
The howling,
and let your blood freeze.
Oozing and cruising,
slithering and moving...
You pray that
it is just an illusion.
Are you scared to open
your door and greet
the trick or treaters that
trick or treat?
The howling,
it's coming...
be brave or
start running.

A trick or a treat
on this howling Halloween!
The Halloween
howling screaming...
hear it's scary
Halloween greeting!


Happy Halloween!