Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Special Day

Today marks a special day on the calender here at my home for two people very dear to my heart. It's my 'rents BIG 40th. I could never fathom to ever reach that many years with one person and going by the age I'm already at now? It'll never happen in this lifetime. When I think over the years how much they've been through together all those years I'm in complete awe that they are still together and with me now in order for me to congratulate them. You hear about so many divorces and break-ups, years wasted that looking at them both makes it seems all too easy to make it to where they're at now. 

So... from my sis and I and all three of their grandchildren there's only one thing to say to them both:

Forty years together you have loved,
Opening a door to love each other.
Romantic hearts bequeath a harmony
That proves more rich than any life might prove.
Years pour like water rapidly downstream,
Yielding harvests gleaned in fields to come,
Each waiting for the heart to bring it home,
Accumulating in an undreamt dream.
Rejoice, then, in a beauty never gone,
Sustained by songs more sweet because passed on.
Happy 40th Ruby Anniversary!